Search Results: "karl"

15 April 2010

Joachim Breitner: A mathematician s status symbol

While writing my diploma thesis, I often wished I had a blackboard in my room: A place to quickly scribble some ideas on, somewhere where I can easily erease and replace stuff. Also, somewhere where you can literally (and not just figuratively) step back from and look at from the distance. For my 25th birthday, my parents organized a discharged part of a blackboard from my old scool, and yesterday, we installed it in my room in Karlsruhe:
A blackboard in my room
Although my diploma thesis is finished, I m sure it will be a nice and useful piece of furniture, and if only to draw funny things on (as my girlfriend did on this picture).

18 March 2010

Joachim Breitner: libnss-gw-name: A stable name for your gateway

I often find myself running /sbin/route to get the IP address of the current gateway, especially when using a wireless LAN while traveling. For example, if the Internet does not work I usually ping the local gateway to see where the connectivity problem lies. I also need the IP if I want to access the routers configuration web interface. This is somewhat tedious, so I wrote libnss-gw-name, and now:
$ sudo apt-get install libnss-gw-name
$ ping gateway.current
PING gateway.current ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.16 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.48 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.73 ms
--- gateway.current ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.482/2.129/2.739/0.513 ms
Once libnss-gw-name is installed, it hooks into the system s Name Service Switch, which is, among other things, responsible for resolving hostnames to ip addresses. It will only react on the name gateway.current , checking the system s routing table and returning the IP address of the current default gateway. It s a pretty simple and small tool, but it could well prove very handy to the power user. I uploaded libnss-gw-name to Debian sid, you can download the source code or access the git repository. Update: Changed the name to gateway.localhost, as that is within a reserved top-level-domain.

10 November 2009

Biella Coleman: Fsck Purity: The Politics and Pleasures of Free Software

The great thing about living and working in NYC is that there is a steady stream of conferences to attend, such as the fast approaching digital labor conference entitled Internet as Playground and Factory. The problem is that since I live 1/3 of the year in San Juan and often get stranded and stuck when my mother gets hospitalized, as is the case now, I am often not in NYC. Depending on my mom s prognosis tomorrow, I may or may not make it but I am working on my slides and revamping a few of my thoughts as I would like to attend. My new title is one I think some readers of the blog might enjoy: Fsck Purity: The politics and pleasures of free software (thanks karl) and the talk will be part of a panel The Emancipatory Politics of Play with Chris Kelty, Fred Turner, and Ben Peters. If you are interested in attending, register soon as it is free and open to the public but requires advanced registration. There are also already a collection of short interviews videos available, the one by me is a basic discussion of the politics of free software, conducted at the end of a very long teaching day, so I am not sure it makes any sense. I never watch my own interviews so I can t quite be the judge :-)

Biella Coleman: Fsck Purity: The Politics and Pleasures of Free Software

The great thing about living and working in NYC is that there is a steady stream of conferences to attend, such as the fast approaching digital labor conference entitled Internet as Playground and Factory. The problem is that since I live 1/3 of the year in San Juan and often get stranded and stuck when my mother gets hospitalized, as is the case now, I am often not in NYC. Depending on my mom s prognosis tomorrow, I may or may not make it but I am working on my slides and revamping a few of my thoughts as I would like to attend. My new title is one I think some readers of the blog might enjoy: Fsck Purity: The politics and pleasures of free software (thanks karl) and the talk will be part of a panel The Emancipatory Politics of Play with Chris Kelty, Fred Turner, and Ben Peters. If you are interested in attending, register soon as it is free and open to the public but requires advanced registration. There are also already a collection of short interviews videos available, the one by me is a basic discussion of the politics of free software, conducted at the end of a very long teaching day, so I am not sure it makes any sense. I never watch my own interviews so I can t quite be the judge :-)

7 October 2009

Christian Perrier: Bug #550000

Arnt Karlsen reported bug #550000 on Wednesday October 7th, against the sndfile-programs package. Bug #540000 was reported as of August 5th 2009. We're apparently back to our "10,000 bugs in 2 months pace"...or close to it. Halfway to bug #600000...

6 October 2009

Kumar Appaiah: Bug #550000 filed

Bug #550000 has been filed! It's in sndfile-programs, and congrats to Arnt Karlsen for having filed it. :-)

5 June 2009

Martin Michlmayr: Corporate participation in open source communities

Someone recently asked me a few question about corporate participation in open source communities and I thought I'd share my thoughts on this topic here. Are there differences between an open source project done for a corporation and one done for personal reasons? There are many different ways to run an open source project, led by a corporation or by someone else. Some projects that are run by corporations have few outside contributors. This is often the case with projects that require copyright assignment (i.e. contributors have to assign their copyright to the corporation). These projects may not gain all the benefits of a true open source community, such as outside contributions or high levels of peer review. However, they may still be very successful projects and may have high levels of quality. Projects done by a corporation may have better planning and may have more resources than other projects. When a corporation, especially a large one, starts or becomes involves in a project it can also give credibility to the project and attract a lot of interest to the project. This means that projects done by corporations may have a bigger impact and might also be more visible in terms of publicity. How do corporations successfully utilize an open source community? Corporations can benefit from an open source community in many ways. For example, they can often find people who will review their code or make code contributions. If people become excited about what the corporation does, they might also spread the word and create viral marketing for the corporation. Establishing a community around one's project is often also a good way to identify people to hire since you already have experience working with them and know their capabilities. How do open source communities successfully utilize their corporate relationships? Corporations can make several unique contributions. For example, large corporations can use their name to attract attention to a project and give it credibility. Furthermore, corporations have some capabilities that personal contributors often don't have access. They may have special testing equipment (such as servers with thousands of CPUs or hard drives) or access to a testing lab where a professional usability test can be done. Finally, corporations can sponsor developer conferences, which are typically very effective means for the community to come together and work on activities together. It is important for projects to remember that corporations are not charities and that they will invest in an open source project for a reason. Therefore, they have to ensure that the corporation will get tangible outcomes from their involvement or sponsorship, otherwise they may not stay involved in the long run. What are the risks for a corporation when working with an open source community? One risk is that the code (or other form of contribution) is not accepted. However, this is a risk any contributor to a project faces. Before making any sort of contribution, it is therefore important to become familiar with the project and its culture. Every project has their own "do's" and "don'ts" that have to be followed. Another risk is that a corporation will invest in a community project that later on is abandoned by the community. However, in this case, the corporation could take the lead and continue to maintain the project. What are the risks for an open source community when working with a corporation? One potential risk is that the corporation will assert too much control over the project. It's important for projects to ensure that the community as a whole has influence over the direction of a project rather than one particular player. Are certain certifications needed in order for someone to participate in open source projects for a corporation? Certifications are not needed to get involved in or start a project. However, it is important to become familiar with the open source community and the project one wants to contribute to. A good first step is to read the book Producing Open Source Software by Karl Fogel which is available online. As a next step, the community in which someone wants to get involved in should be studied, for example by reading the mailing list archives. This will help to become familiar with the culture of a project as well as the mechanisms to contribute to the project. How do open source communities communicate and collaborate with corporations? In the best case, employees from corporations would interact in the project like any other contributor. That is, they should use the existing communication channels, such as mailing lists, IRC or developer gatherings. Many companies are good at working "with the community" but the ideal scenario is for a company to be part of the community and to work "in the community", just like other contributors. This is the most effective way for them to make changes to the code and project. Of course, not every corporation will get involved in a project directly. That's why it makes sense for projects to collaborate with corporations in other ways. For example, projects can talk directly to companies to get samples of their hardware in order to add support for them in their software. Projects can also work directly with corporations to find out how their project can better meet the needs of enterprise users.

8 May 2009

Asheesh Laroia: What is open source (and Free Software) missing? / Moving to Atlanta

Tim and my mother are both neonatologists at the Golisano Children's Hospital inside the University of Rochester. Earlier today, they had this conversation:
My mother: My son Asheesh is moving to Atlanta.
Tim: Is it for a girl?
My mother: I don't really know what the kids are doing as far as girls, but no....
In fact, I'm moving to Atlanta because Shotput Ventures funded me, Nelson Pavlosky, and my friend Raphael Krut-Landau to start a company to improve interactions in the open source / free software world. We get enough money to live in Atlanta from May 18 to August 6, and after that, we have to seek more funding. This has led to a series of ironies. The first is that I am working on a startup. The second is that I left San Francisco to do it. But I have already moved out of San Franisco, and I have left my job at Creative Commons. (Feel free to get in touch with me (outside my website's comments) about filling my shoes there.) Thanks, Nathan and Mike, for giving me the chance to contribute to CC, an organization and project that I have always had a great passion for. For a while, I may seem vague about the project I am about to undertake; it's because I still want to nail down some details between the three of us. When Nelson, Raphael, and I arrive in person, we're going to kick into gear. I've been chatting with a few of you over the past few months about ideas, and I do want to especially thank Karl Fogel and Mako Hill for helping the three of us think through what could be done. Some questions for readers: Feel free to email me (asheesh at if you'd rather not comment publicly. I have a few ideas of my own, and I hope to be tossing them up for everyone to bat at soon! P.S. Noisebridge, I will miss you!

7 May 2009

Biella Coleman: If Karl Marx was alive

Marxist photo of the day. Goes well with this older (but classic) video.

21 April 2009

Sune Vuorela: Debian KDE bugs

So. On Sunday, we worked through some of the bugs filed against KDE in Debian. Mostly, we cleaned up in old cruft, and a few bugs got forwarded. A bunch of the Debian KDE people participated, and some KDE Bugsquad people also dropped by. And a special thanks goes to the apparant newcomer, Karl Ferdinand Ebert, for doing a fantastic work, and I also succeeded in getting Anne-Marie Mahfouf to take a look at the kdeedu reports. We cleaned up in kdegraphics, kdeedu, kdeadmin and akregator reports, and did quite some work on the bug magnets of konqueror, kmail and kopete. Total result was around 100 bugs down, and we discovered a few bugs that had hidden in between the others, that is actually packaging issues.
All in all a success, that definately should be repeated in a month or two.

22 March 2009

Rob Taylor: Codethink anniversary

Last month, Codethink turned 2 years old, to coincide we had a company-wide hackfest in Brussels straight after FOSDEM. It really brought home how much it d grown. Just a year ago there was just me and Mark. Now we are 8! So i m gonna take a moment to shout out to the great job these guys are doing. In order of appearence . Mark Doffman
Mark has been consistently working on transforming AT-SPI (the GNOME Accessibility and UI automation technology) into a D-Bus based cross-desktop project. From nothing a year ago, working with Mike Gorse from Novell, he s now got something that more or less works and it s getting a lot of focus and testing as we plan for GNOME 3.0. I m looking forward to a brave new future for cross toolkit accessibility on the Linux desktop. John Carr
John came to us from working on Conduit, and he s continued on his dream of making all the devices and web services of the world talk seamlessly to each other. John s been in charge of pushing the Wizbit project along and now the core of this is pretty stable, he is going to be turning his eye to working on using Wizbit for synchronisation. J rg Billeter
A stunning hacker who needs no introduction! J rg s been continuing to hack on Vala and it s getting more and more mature each week. His main work, however has been on the stunning tracker-vstore, a branch of tracker that brings full RDF capabilities, which Philip van Hoof has been blogging about. I ll be writing a biggish blog post on this soon and what RDF could really mean for the desktop experience. Karl Lattimer
Karl came to us from working on UI at Nokia. At Codethink he s continued to focus on graphics technology and user experience, bringing his keen eye to Wizbit, amongst other things. One of the most impressive things I ve seen for a while was Karl s kinetic scrolling widget for the Wizbit timeline view. I m hoping we can turn this into something more general in the future. Ryan Lortie
Another hacker who needs no introduction, Ryan s our low-level infrastructure guy. He s been working on GNIO, a library to do network operations using GIO stream abstractions and continuing to hack on DConf, which is gradually coming together. He s also been helping J rg out with Vala. Mukund Sivaraman
I knew Muks from his GIMP work, and his work on Herb is really impressive. Muks is mostly working on top secret stuff that we can t talk about, unfortunately! Peter Charlton
Our documentation guy. This guy knows how to write and knows how to take something vague and unintelligable and turn it into crystal clarity. Invaluable! Of course, through all this I ve been here, dancing about architecture and generally doing the best I can to hold the whole shebang together. I ve been mostly working on some top secret stuff which hopefully will be getting opened up soon. I ll dance about that then

15 February 2009

Philipp Kern: Lenny is done -- does anyone around Karlsruhe want to celebrate it?

Lenny got released yesterday and after having to push another update to Etch through volatile to fix an annoying warning when Lenny is in the sources.list, my work is now almost done too. (Yes, the autobuilding infrastructure is still offline, but we will get that reactivated shortly.) Anyway: if you live in or around Karlsruhe and did not get a mail by nomeata and me and if you would enjoy meeting tomorrow (Monday) evening, please speak up by mailing us. Let us celebrate the latest and greatest release. ;-) The plan is to meet up at the Vogelbr u at 19:30.

11 February 2009

Joachim Breitner: Openmoko User Meeting in Karlsruhe

About one hour ago we have finished the first Openmoko user meeting in Karlsruhe. Twelve FreeRunner (and Neo1973) owners have gatherd in the rooms of Entropia (the local CCC club), and discussed the various distributions, learned aboutt the FSO-alternative PyNeo, which was advocated by Josh, compared GPS applications and talked about various other projects and issues.
I collected some statistics about Distribution usage. Most common was SHR, with five users, followed by OM 2008.12 with three users. Single users had Debian, OM testing from pre 2008.12, PyNeo, EmDebian and OM 2008.9 installed. Only counting those who use their FreeRunner as their day-to-day phone, three are using SHR, one OM 2008.12 and one OM testing. I conclude that SHR seems to be a good choice if you want to have a working phone.Asked about their primary use case for the FreeRunner, almost all mentioned telephony and GPS. Half of the participants want to use it to browse the web, a little less think that games are important. Two people, who came from Stuttgart, see CellHunter as an important use caseConsidering that we filled three hours without running out of topics and the good feedback, we will likely have a sequel to this. A date has not been fixed yet, but will be discussed on the openmoko-community mailing list.BTW: I m still planning to package the SHR applications for Debian as soon as possible. Only one dependency (libetk) is missing, but according to Lutin from the pkg-e team, it s almost ready.

25 January 2009

Romain Francoise: Some Emacs news

This week's emacs-snapshot release (20090118-1) reached a new milestone with more than 700 downloads in just under a week. I guess this is quite an achievement considering that not everyone wants to download 25MB of Emacs packages on a weekly basis, so thanks to all my users for their continued trust and support!

Here's a quick update on the status of the Emacs 23 release: the last remaining feature on the roadmap was finally completed this week with the merge of the rmail-mbox (pmail) branch into rmail. The pretest (GNU lingo for beta ) phase could start as early as next week, which is not to say that the release itself is right around the corner since a few major tasks need to be finished first, like updating the manuals. The release could also be delayed by the proposed (and long overdue) switch from CVS to Bazaar, pushed by newly-minted Launchpad evangelist Karl Fogel.

That being said, aiming for a release in 2009 isn't entirely unrealistic, and I really can't wait to see Emacs 23 reach a wider audience. It is the culmination of many years of work in lots of areas (Unicode support, font backend, multi-tty, Cocoa, ...) and is by far the best Emacs version to date!

19 January 2009

Axel Beckert: Traveling plans for the first half of 2009

Since the time between the years is traditionally family time for me, I never were at the Chaos Communication Congress. So I wasn t at 25C3 either. All the more I look forward to HAR2009 this summer (13th to 16th of August near Vierhouten in the Netherlands), but also because, for the last three years I always have been in the Netherlands for one week in summer, sailing with friends on the sselmeer. But before HAR2009, there will be a bunch of other events to visit and people to meet in real life: Then there will be the big summer holidays driving around in the middle of Europe with the 2CV and taking part in most likely: This also means that I ll probably miss: at least unless one of the other events I plan to visit doesn t take place as expected or my plans change heavily. P.S.: Anyone thinks this amount of events justifies a Dopplr account? ;-) Or is there somewhere a free online service similar to Dopplr, but runs software under the GNU Affero General Public License like e.g. and many other Laconica instances do for microblogging?

16 January 2009

David Welton: Rivet in Action

I'm terrified of flying (actually heights more than flying, but planes tend to go pretty high), and seeing all the images of Flight 1549 floating down the river didn't help things. I'm glad everyone got out ok. An interesting detail about the whole story though, from my point of view at least, is all the press hits that Karl Lehenbauer's got - it was mentioned on CNN and a number of other places, and seemed to handle the traffic ok. A little known fact is that, as can be seen from the HTTP headers, FlightAware is built on Apache Rivet, which was one of my first serious open source projects. It's good to see them doing well, although it'd be nice to see them help out a bit more with Rivet. It's still good code, and does what it does quite well, but needs some love.

24 October 2008

Biella Coleman: My Theory = Attention Whore

I think Karl hits on all the major points as to why Andrew Keen’s latest post about the demise of open source is wrong. I don’t have much to add except that I suspect that this Internet pundit, like many a pundit, is just seeking a little attention by being controversial as he has nothing of substance to really say. I know I am being sort of controversial here myself but I really do believe there is this strain of punditry whose existence is just to be controversial and garner attention. Hey but at least they keep things interesting right??

Biella Coleman: Hacker practice: Moral genres and the cultural articulation of liberalism

So I usually don’t announce my publications on my blog and for various reasons. The main one is that I am more than a little embarrassed that some of them are behind walled gardens (but being I am a junior prof, I am not in a position to negotiate otherwise). Otherwise, some of my pieces are semi-jargony (in the academic sense) and may not be of interest to readers who I think are more geek than academic. Finally, the process of publishing is so slow, so long, and so painful, I try not to think about it, much less write about it, if I can help it. But I decided to announce this
piece , which is on hackers (surprise surprise) as it might be of interest to some readers and because people can download it for free here for the rest of the month (but registration is required ) Co-written with Alex Rex Golub, I am pretty happy to see in print although it is far more academic in its tone, argument, and language than most of everything else I have written. This is in part because the article is more theoretical than ethnographic (hence the journal, Anthropological Theory) and tackles the question of liberalism alongside hacking. It seeks to demonstrate that these can be talked about 1) together and in cultural terms 2) that we we can identify some cohesive elements to hacking and liberalism, in part by placing them in conversation with each other 3) and yet we can also locate plurality and diversity within liberalism and hacking as well. This is a lot to tackle and cover in one piece under 35 pages and I am sure it could have been pulled off better but I think it is is a decent start to thinking about these questions. If you are interested but are allergic to academicalese, sticking to the Introduction, the Hacker Ethical Practice: Three Examples section, and Conclusion, will give you a taste of the arguments while avoiding most of the jargon. The irony of this article is that even if it hits at some pretty theoretical issues, it was provoked by a mundane conversation and disagreement I had with one hacker, Karl Fogel, over another hacker, Kevin Mitnick. After returning from the hacker conference, HOPE, I had dinner with Karl and told him about Kevin Mitnick’s keynote speech, which I found particularity enjoyable and entertaining. After calling Mitnick a hacker, Karl responded with the following: Kevin is not hacker. He is a cracker. Though I think I convinced him that cracker may not be the best word for him (and he convinced me there are differences between hacking, noting perceptively that his primary motivation seemed to be getting access to something he wasn’t allowed to have access to that is, it was more about breaking the rules and the thrill of crossing a social line, than about learning a technical system. ), I decided that I wanted to write a piece that squarely addressed tensions and differences among hackers instead of whitewashing them away as most authors, journalist, and even some hackers do.
Although most of the time, it seems like it is the Karl-type hackers who accuse the Mitnick-type hackers of not being true and authentic, recently I have been in a few situations where the tables were turned. For example, last year I was having coffee with a 2600-type who insisted that hacking on Linux was not hacking at all (not innovative enough, according to his world view). Another example I came across was in a recent Phrack issue where the prophiled hacker, the Unix Terrorist, takes a swipe at (well honestly at everyone and everythin) but when he is talking trash about who is and who is not a hacker, he singles out F/OSS developers:
Linus Torvalds isn’t a hacker! Richard Stallman isn’t a hacker! Niels Provos
isn’t a hacker! Fat/ugly, maybe! Hackers, no! And what is up with
the use of the term “cracker”? As far as I’m concerned, that term
applies to people that bypass copyright protection mechanisms.
Vladimir Levin? HACKER. phiber optik? HACKER. Kevin Mitnick? OK,
maybe a gay/bad one, but still WAS a “hacker.” Hope that’s clear.
Of course, one can play the game of defining the authentic hacking (and it makes sense for many to do this!) but my interest as an anthropologist has never been to draw a bright and clear boundary between good hackers and bad hackers. or “real and fake hackers,” but instead to describe and grapple with the tension points and internal ambiguities among hackers (my whole course is designed around this theme, in fact). This is not to say that anything goes in the world of hacking (that is, I don’t consider any computer break in a hack; I often just call it a crime) but if there is a group of people calling themselves hackers and thinking to some degree of the ethical implications of their actions, as an anthropologist, this is enough “social evidence” to start asking some questions about the political and cultural significance of their actions.

17 October 2008

Jaldhar Vyas: Plumbing the Depths

Wow this Joe the Plumber phenomenon really seems to have Democrats spooked as they are now scrambling to find any possible dirt on the guy who dared to question Dear Leader. One might think people with a solid 6-10% lead wouldn't need to be so desperate but Adam is probably well aware of the Democratic partys penchant of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. A lot of these progressive types are still nursing resentment for the "swiftboating" of John Kerry and wary that it will happen again so todays strategy is pre-emptive douchebaggery before Karl Roves evil minions can sully the pristine reputation of their fair candidate. What they don't realize is that calling Kerry an America hating traitor worked because there was reasonable evidence that he threw his medals away, and made speeches denouncing his country which are typical of acts people associate in their minds with America hating traitors. The 527s exaggerated but the exaggeration would not have worked if there was not an element of truth behind it. Now no one is disputing that Obama actually did make the "share the wealth" remark. Whether the person he said it to is a republican plant or some other sort of nogoodnik is immaterial. Obama is a redistributionist and that is precisely the reason why liberals want to him to be president. And how pathetic is the "dirt"? He owes backtaxes? Gee I wonder why someone who already owes money would be apprehensive about having to pay more? A lot of people owe money at one time or another and even have liens placed as a result. Perhaps it is relevant to mention that for someone in public office (like oh, say, Charles Rangel who I'm sure Adam will discuss in his next post.) but for a private citizen? Isn't that one of the "chilling effects on free speech" we were going to be subjected to in Bush's America? The other one one was how is not a real plumber. Apparently he is not licensed but, sit down for this one, it is actually possible to do work without a piece of paper from the government. Really! I've seen it happen. Is it always a good idea to ignore licensing regulations? Well they often serve to protect the public from malpractice but then again they often prop up cartels. Here in the NY/NJ area plenty of people of all political persuasions seem to be willing to take the risk of hiring unlicensed plumbers and other tradesmen because at the end of the day, it's the, you know plumbing, that makes you a plumber nothing else. And none of this has any bearing on Obamas policies or what they mean for America. So if you like socialism and think its what America needs, feel free to make the case to the voters and perhaps they will agree with you or perhaps not. But stop with with the ad hominems against people who point that out.

8 October 2008

Joachim Breitner: Haskell work in Dresden

Since Saturday, I m in Dresden, to work for Janis Voigtl nder at the TU Dresden on some of his projects. I m mostly working with his code from Bidirectionalization for Free : QuickCheck-Properties, statstics, a web interface. I ll do this for just two weeks, and then return to Karlsruhe.So if someone wants to meet me, maybe for some Keysigning (since DebConf8, I m on Rank 31, so it s worth it :-)), just drop me a note.

